My work is rooted in Layli Maparyan’s theory of Luxocracy meaning “Ruled by Light.” Light, intentionally spelled with a capital L,” denotes a higher energy that creates a sacredness of self, others, and all creation. Maparyan effectively utilizes gardening metaphors to add a visual understanding of her theoretical concepts -1) Seeds of Light, 2) Flower Power, and 3) Fruits of Change. Each representation also reflects a spiritual process (Maparyan, 2016).
Seeds of Light represents the small nuggets of greatness and possibility that lie within each of us. Maparyan speaks of “amenable conditions” (2016, p. 50), such as Light, to awaken the potential that dwells within. This concept is echoed in my research interest that explores how nature is experienced as a site of radical self-restoration among Black womxn. I make the argument that every Sista Queen has multiple seeds of possibility that lie dormant, overlooked, and sometimes disregarded because of her limited opportunity to pause the world and simply nurture herself. Sista Queens need to be nurtured by nature.
Flower Power, the stage of sprouting, represents the “transformative agency born of realizing the power of Source that flows through oneself” (2016, p. 50). I have been on a spiritual journey from 2016 to the present. During this time, I connected with my Higher Self, improved my health, and discovered a spiritual connection in and through nature. This personal journey of radical self-restoration transformed the way I connected to self and connected to others.
Fruits of Change, the completion of the cycle, represents “the very social and environmental justice and wellness ends we seek as change agents” (2016, p. 50). Ironically enough, I used similar language, “agents of change,” in the creation of The Kujima Report. In my research and personal life, I strive to create conditions for those in my sphere, especially my fellow Sista Queens, to be positively impacted by my presence and my work. It is my mission to share the fruits of my labor so that others will see and water the seeds within themselves and engage in a personal journey of transformation and radical self-restoration.
The Journey...
I am currently enrolled at Florida State University where I am studying Art Education. My anticipated graduation date is December 2023. To follow my research journey, feel free to visit The Omni PhD Journey.